WATCH: NO TEETH Release Provocative New Video 'I Am Not An Officer' from Debut Album "Decadence In Breeding," Out Today

Reprobate Media
Jun 21, 2024By Reprobate Media
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Newcastle post-punk band NO TEETH has unveiled a new video for their single "I Am Not An Officer" from their debut album, "Decadence In Breeding," out today. The video, though extreme and explicit, captures the essence of the album, which delves into themes of debauchery, hedonism, and depravity. Each track is a dark parable involving characters of nefarious descent, exploring subjects such as gambling, sexual deviance, murder, and gluttony.

The syndicate unveil another snippet of their long awaited debut, "I Am Not An Officer" is perhaps their most ferocious number yet. With a teeth-grinding bass-line and instrumentation that macerates the listener like a troop of angry bayonets. The group had this to say about the matter: “Due to a lack of mobility, we sat twiddling knackered thumbs at the pictures that flicker past eyes on the cathode-ray.

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The group were distracted, as per usual. A boot to the face, followed by some sharp words which quickly whipped us in to a more attentive state. We were still on the prowl for purpose, our lust for satisfactions quickly butting heads with a brash hack of commands from the desktop screen. The heavier stints of decoration on our chests suddenly no longer felt so useful.

Decadence In Breeding” is a wild sonic journey, certain to leave a lasting impression on all who dare to listen. Now streaming on all platforms.


 "New track, ‘I Am Not An Officer’, takes a post-punk approach, while ‘Canon McCoy’ experiments with a ballad-esque sound, and ‘Feed The Ducks’ adopts a laid-back feel. Ultimately, Decadence In Breeding is looking to be one of the most interesting albums of the year." - Soundsphere

"No Teeth deliver post-punk meets punk funk driven sounds. Like a tornado engulfing everything in its path" - Colorising

"NO TEETH, the enigmatic band celebrated for their electrifying blend of influences from Captain Beefheart to The Cramps, is set to unleash their latest single, "I Am Not an Officer." This scathing opus will undoubtedly leave listeners on the edge of their seats, craving more." - Broadway Word

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"The only good Beefheartian punk band in the UK, including the ones I wrote all dem songs for (I'll name no names)"  - Saul Adamczewski, Fat White Family

"The debut album from this Newcastle outfit mangles discord with melody in a way that defies categorization. They’re like a mutant take on Pigs x 7 and pen towering slabs of brass and woozy post-punk that, at times, can sound like The Stranglers being shoved into a Kenwood Chef." - The Crack Magazine